Hello everyone, my name is Pham Quoc Chien. This year, I am 40 years old and have been an official European hot air balloon pilot (EASA ) for exactly one year.


One day, in mid-June 2003, after finishing 12 years of school and a stressful high school graduation exam, I asked myself, what do I want? What do I like? seriously. And I answered myself, “oh I love to travel around the world”.

And I thought about what job could help me do that. The first idea came in my mind, would I be a civil aircraft pilot? Oh no, it requires high level of English proficiency. Meanwhile, I only know simple structures and sentences in English such as “What’s your name? Are you doing what?”. It is too difficult for me to reach my dream job. I came up with another job, can I be a flight attendant? It's also a job that have various demands not only well-spoken English, good looking but also a lot of money. But my family state at that time only had enough to cover daily expenses. So I tell myself to “Stop it”. I thought about the idea to become an international tour guide. It was not a better ideas because of English barrier.

All my dream jobs were not a good choice for me, so I decided to forget it and chose to take part in the entrance exam to a university and major in Business Administration.

In the first time of taking the entrance exam, I failed. Because my total score of 3 subjects were about 5 points and I couldn't get into university that year. I had to continue to practice and wait until the 2004 exam to take the university entrance exam again.

And a new path opened up for me one evening in March 2004. I heard that my uncle's company had just bought some hot air balloon sets from China, and he also guided me to study Chinese and wait for the opportunity to study abroad in China. I suddenly realized why I am not a hot air balloon pilot. From that moment, my arduous journey of chasing my passion began.

After 2 years of trying to learn Chinese, the day I most looked forward to finally arrived. In August of 2006, my uncle sent me to China to continue studying Chinese, also to improve my foreign language skills with the goal of getting a hot air balloon pilot license in China.

Living and studying in China with a 22-years-old-man was incredibly interesting. It diverted my passion and pushed me in a different direction. In that period, at the age of stubbornness, I only listened to myself, I became a stubborn son who did not need to listen to anyone's advice. After 2 years of studying in China, because I likeed to play, my Chinese level still did not develop too much. Therefore, I was forced to return to Vietnam and forget my dream job.

After returning to Vietnam, with the arrogance of a 24-years-old young man who wanted to overthrow the world, I worked in all sorts of jobs including general assistant manager, purchasing materials for a wood manufacturing company, ect. To be honest, no job was good, no job suited me at that time. Income was only enough to meet my daily expenses.

In mid-September 2010, my uncle called me from Saigon to Hanoi with the purpose of reorienting my future. I always remember that he spent nearly 100 hours just sitting and talking to me, orienting me about the future. And the day I determined the direction for my future also came.

It was the first day I attended the “Thailand balloon fiesta” in Pataya. I was able to wear the festival's "Co - Pilot" shirt . It was a strange honor. Among the many people who came to participate and have fun at the festival, I was one of the few people to wear that shirt. Although I had not yet worked with hot air balloons, I have always been proud of myself. And it was the first time I flew a hot air balloon flight with a professional pilot from the Netherlands. Also from that first flight and those first feelings gave me the strength to decide to continue with this exciting job.

The opportunity really came very quickly. After returning to Vietnam from attending the Thai Balloon Fiesta in Pataya, in March 2011, I was sent by the company to participate in a training course with a Dutch instructor. But my English skill was as bad as the initial period. Because there were too many people going to school, the cost was not enough for us to finish the course. At that time, I only had 4 hours and 30 minutes of free training flight. It’s such a really small number.

I remember it was in 2012, it was Binh Thuan balloon fiesta in Vietnam and a series of international events, we were sent by the company to participate in that event, I had the feeling that at that time I hated this flying job so much. But because of my passion, because I loved it, so I still had to try to teach myself English and also supplement myself with the experience of being a hot air balloon pilot.

I still remember March 2014, when my family no longer wanted me to pursue a career as a hot air balloon pilot, they did not see a future for me. At that time, I felt depressed and wanted to leave it to find a job and take care of my future, get married and take care of my family. But it was lucky for me at that worst time, Mr. Rapee Kornkoseeyakaj from Thailand, on the occasion of coming to Ho Chi Minh City to organize a promotional event for Singha beer there, we had a chance to meet each other. I confided in him about how I wanted to give up my passion and found a stable job to earn money for myself and my future. He advised me not to give up my dream and should try it. Because it would bring me and my family a better future. Thanks to MR Rapee Kornkoseeyakaj’s advice, I continued to pursue my passion, ignored all the restrictions and prohibitions from my family and friends. I remember at that time, everyone said that I was stupid, I was delusional, and I had no future. But no matter what they were, I determined to pursue it.

In February 2016, I was invited to singha park chiangrai balloon fiesta 2016. There, I met pilots we’ve already known each other, as well as made friends with new pilots. They made me more confident in the path I have chosen, more confident in the process of pursuing my passion. After the festival, I asked Mr. Rapee about the Thai pilot's license, he promised to inquire for me. I still remember when he wanted to give me an opportunity to work as a crew in Thailand and then found a way for me to get a Thai hot air balloon pilot license. It took me 6 months to get permission to go to Thailand to work as a crew for the purpose of learning and getting a pilot's license. But it was indeed an arduous journey for me. Once I received permission, I received news that made me even more depressed. In Thailand, they only issue pilot licenses to Thai citizens.

So I continued my journey to find the place where I could have a hot air balloon pilot license.

2017 and 2018 can be said to be a memorable year for me. I went to Thailand to attend Singha park chiangrai Fram festival 2017 in December and after the festival, I returned to Chiangmai to wait for the day I return to Vietnam. I got to fly with a lady who helped me finish my quest for a pilot's license in 2023. That's INGA.

In 2018, I thought I was very close to my hot air balloon pilot license when I participated in the training course of Instructor from America (FAA). But it's true that it can't end yet. After 2 months of training and studying theory, the result was that I could not get an FAA pilot license because I could not go to the US, because I was in Vietnam. Applying for a US visa is very difficult. The reason why it is difficult because my English is not good enough. When will I get my pilot's license? Oh how difficult it is.

During and after the COVID pandemic 2019, 2020, 2021, I was always looking for a place where I can train and get my hot air balloon pilot license. I'm almost fed up with my pilot's license. By the end of 2022, after many searches and inquiries from China, India, America, Spain, and Taiwan. There is no place that has the best answer. I traveled across Laos by bus again to find out whether I had a chance to get a Laos pilot's license or not. But in return, it's still disappointing, we still have to wait and we still have to try and hope.

Finally, after many contacts from me to other countries, INGA (my INSTRUCTOR) replied to my email about her opening a new class to train hot air balloon pilots. Hope was ignited again in the excitement. My own doubts about my destiny and my hot air balloon pilot license.

Then whatever comes, the opening day of the new course from INGA also begins. But during the process of studying theory online, I felt more and more confused because my English level was not good. I had to try my best, spent almost all my time reading and understanding the 9 topics of the program. Thinking back to that time, it was horrible. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I always hold a book to try to spend time reading and understanding it. But with my limited English vocabulary, I felt it was too much for me. When I look at my wife, my son and my family, they motivate me a lot.

After finishing the online theory course, I thought that the European pilot license (EASA ) was the same as the American one (FAA), it means that there were questions and answers available, I just needed to memorize the questions. And the fact is the same with what I thought, everything is very easy. Therefore, I don't have too much worry and spend that worry on getting a European visa.

With great support from my Instructor and from my uncle's company. On March 8, 2023, I got my European visa. I saw this as my last chance to officially become a hot air balloon pilot. When I told the news to my wife, my parents, and my Instructor, everyone congratulated me and wished me to get a hot air balloon pilot's license.

Then the day I left for Latvia, I was very excited, very happy because I was about to overcome the most difficult thing, the thing I was most looking forward to was getting my official hot air balloon pilot license.The time everyone ca me “pilot ” also comes close.

Arrived in Latvia with a meager 90 days and with the mindset of “ surely I will get my pilot license”. I received bad news again, in Europe (EASA ) there are no questions and answers available. I had to self-study and read and understand all 9 topics of the program. My mood at that time was very boring and full of worry for my little English vocabulary. I asked myself, "Let's give up because I can't use my poor English to get a European pilot license (EASA). But if I give up, what will happen to what I have been pursuing for 20 years? How will people look at me? Because of the encouragement of my family and receiving enthusiastic support and guidance from INGA (my INSTRUCTOR), her family's encouragement to me, I have a little more confidence in getting my hot air balloon pilot license.

During my time in Latvia, I was taught and trained by INGA. At the same time, I always receive encouragement from my family in Vietnam and my Latvian family. I have made quite good progress in my English proficiency and hot air balloon control skills.

When the important exam came, the day I entered the room I was filled with anxiety. I was not the only one who was worried, but everyone who had always supported me, from my family, from my INSTRUCTOR, from her family, Latvian friends I had just met. Everyone is worried about me in this important exam.

I passed the first topic, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th tiopic, … ….. 9 with many hardships and worries in 60 days with stress that I have never experienced, as well as stress for INGA . During those stressful exam days, I lost 7kg but INGA was even more worried about me and she also lost a few kilos because of her worry for me. She worries about my exams more than she worries about her children. She did everything she could to help and support me during that exam.

I still vividly remember the feeling when I passed the final theory test. Not only am I happy, but from my wife, from my mother, from my INSTRUCTOR, from my Vietnamese family, from my Latvian family and all the people who love me from Vietnam and Latvia. Everyone was bursting with happiness. I will definitely never forget that feeling.

The day INGA arranged for me to fly solo, she gave me many surprises. I remember the day I asked her “when will I fly solo” and she just replied that she was making arrangements. The next morning, I thought it was just a training flight with her, then she asked me, "Are you ready for your solo flight because today you will fly alone?" Oh ! what a surprise. In fact, I flew solo in 2018 during a training program in Thailand. But the feelings in Thailand and the feelings in Latvia are very strange, they are very different. And I successfully completed my solo flight in Latvia with a lot of emotions and surprises given to me by INGA.

Then I received INGA ( my INSTRUCTOR) support, further training and support to pass my skills test. Actually, now I feel very lucky to have found the right person who can help me, a great INSTRUCTOR.

The day I received my hot air balloon pilot license. I remember in that night I couldn't sleep because of the strange feeling of lifting. Because after 20 years of pursuing my passion, that day I officially became a hot air balloon pilot like I dreamed of. I sat at the SKY AMAZONS office all night face to face with my European hot air balloon pilot license (EASA ) and asked him, "Why did you let me pursue you for so long, why are you so difficult for me?" But in the end, you are mine."

After so many efforts, so many hardships, so many obstacles, so many hopes and disappointments, I would like to send my sincere Thank you to my parents, to my wife, to my mother's brother, to my mother's younger brother, to INGA and my Latvian family, to MR MR Rapee Kornkoseeyakaj, to MR Tao Nithis Thongdee, to those who always support me, as well as those who stop me, those who despise the path I have chosen, thank you most sincerely.

And now, I have become a hot air balloon pilot and am working in Laos.

I pray that those who always love and support me are always healthy and happy. I always love and appreciate everyone.