License conversion process

According to Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulation No 225 (2023) foreign flight crew member is entitled to apply for recognition of a certificate or licence in the Republic of Latvia if:

  • He/she is a citizen of Latvia, a non-citizen of Latvia or a foreigner who, in accordance with the Immigration Law, has a legal basis to reside in the Republic of Latvia; or

  • He/she is a foreigner who has entered into employment legal relations with a balloon operator regarding the piloting of a balloon registered in the Civil Aviation aircraft Register of the Republic of Latvia.

Please note that after licence conversion you will receive EASA BPL licence on hot-air balloon Group A. After conversion Skill Test you can continue with extension of your privileges to another balloon group or obtain commercial rating.

Class 2 Medical Certificate

A medical examination can be conducted at any medical institution that offers aviation medical examinations in accordance with EASA requirements, indicating that the authority responsible for issuing the pilot license is the Civil Aviation Agency (CAA) of Latvia. This step can be completed at any time, but the document needs to be shown to the CAA before they will give permission for taking the skills test.

License Verification

This step can also be done at any time. It is for the Latvia CAA to verify with the USA FAA(for example) that your pilot certificate is valid. Although the information is publicly available on the FAA website, a formal request must be initiated by the Latvia CAA via email. The process is explained here:

Schedule theoretical training courses in the topics of Air Law and Human Performance, typically this is internet-based remote learning. Of the nine different subjects required by the CAA for new pilots, knowledge of only these two subjects is required in the case of Certificate/License conversion from FAA to CAA. Upon successful completion of classroom training and passing school-administered theoretical examination, the school will write a recommendation letter to the Latvia CAA for the next step.

Theoretical Training, by EU Academy of Ballooning
Theoretical Exams, by Latvia CAA

After the CAA has received the recommendation letter from the school, you are eligible to sit for the Theoretical Exams. A score of 75% in each subject is required to pass. The examination schedule is published here: Communicate with the Training and Examination division by writing e-mail to

Skills Test, by Flight Examiner (FE)

Before applying for the Skills Test, you must pass both of the Theoretical Exams for each subject, obtained your Class2 Medical Certificate, and had your FAA Certificate verified. With these elements in place, you can apply to the Latvia CAA for the Skills Test by completing this form: This Skill Test application form shall be sent via e-mail to at least 5 business days before the desired test date. For the Skill Test this form shall be used . During the Skill Test the Examiner will check you against all relevant parts of this form. Please note that Skill Test may be performed only after approval by the CAA!

Apply for Physical License

Upon successful Skills Test completion, the FE will complete the Skill Test Form, give you the original, endorse the logbook and send the copy of this form to CAA. After the Skill Test communicate with the Licensing division, Kristīne Sīpoliņa, about the application for licence by writing e-mail to: She will also require a scan of the endorsement page in your logbook from the Skill Test flight. Then, with a simple application form received from Kristīne, wait of up to 10 days and your physical BPL will be produced.