Express EASA BPL

Learn how to obtain your EASA Balloon Pilot License

To join our course follow these procedures:


Please send me your application form, CV and copy of your passport.


Fill Out the Application form


With each of you I will do interviews on zoom - for total understanding of your motivation, goals and other many important questions.


Make payment for theoretical course.

After completion of first 4 steps:


The theoretical course is conducted via Zoom over a period of two months with brush-up of knowledge during flying training together with Flight Instructors. Student attendance and participation is mandatory, otherwise the DTO may not authorize the student to sit for the final school examination.


During the two month theoretical training period we will simultaneously start procedures for obtaining travel VISAS to Lativa (EU Shengen visa), as the final examination must be taken in person as a group at the DTO. The Sky Amazons DTO will prepare your personal Letter of Invitation in accordance with the procedures of the Latvian Immigration Authoritiey (Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvaldi (PMLP)) After this, you each will receive a personal invitation number. With this number go to embassy of Latvia in your country and get VISA in your passport to be able come to Latvia.


For completing the DTO and CAA (Civilās Aviācijas Āģentūra) theoretical exams and receiving your practical flight training, plan for a minimum of three months in Latvia. There are 9 separate theoretical exams, each on a specific subject – the same subjects will be tested at the DTO and at the CAA. The minimum requirement for practical training is 16h to learning how to fly a balloon, and you will also need some time for physical examination to receive your Class 2 medical certificate.


For this group I will provide living staying place/practical flying camp - you will need to pay = 10Eur per day living costs. No need to find hotels, you will live all together and all together learn and help, share and be new family forever. Family of getting your wings, getting your dream come true. I will manage living place, but you yourself should manage food, meal times...I just take care of safe and cheap, but high quality place to stay with inspiring nature, lakes, a real Latvian treasure place.

Theoretical course and school examination costs in the EU Academy of Ballooning (all 9 chapters) Include all administration job and VISA costs.

1600 €

Theoretical exams costs in CAA:

35 per exam

Training Flight with Flight Instructor (FI) (Minimum 16 Hours)

Skill test with FE costs:

~ 500 € (depend of Flight Examiner (FE) rate)

Class 2 Medical Certificate:

A medical examination can be conducted at any medical institution that offers aviation medical examinations in accordance with EASA requirements







  • Cost: 400 per training flight (1 inflation).

  • Minimum requirement: 10 training flights (16 Hours) plus a solo flight. (Minimum 30 min.)

  • 12 hours of dual flight (instructor and student together).

  • 10 inflations

  • 20 takeoff and landing cycles.

  • 30 minutes of solo flight.

DTO Head of Training /DTO Accountable Manager, BPL Instructor

Training Personnel

Inga Van Havere

Deputy Head of Training/Theoretical Knowledge Instructor OP, FPL, AGK, BPL

Robertas Komža

Theoretical Knowledge Instructor COMM

Edgaras Steckis

Theoretical Knowledge Instructor Air Law, NAV, BPL

Laurynas Komža

Theoretical Knowledge Instructor - MET

Viktorija Lieguviene

Theoretical Knowledge Instructor - HP

Donatas Stakeliunas

Theoretical Knowledge Instructor - POF

Vytautas Sviderskis

BPL Flight Instructor

Danielius Komža

BPL Flight Instructor

Agne Simonaviciute

Apply Now

Please send me your application form, CV and copy of your passport.

"Never say never - that's how I became a pilot. With just a little self-discipline and the guidance of professional instructors, everything is possible even for a person who has never flown in a hot air balloon. And in addition to learning, new friends and fun are guaranteed".

Student Reviews

"I DID IT AND YOU CAN DO IT. The day I received my hot air balloon pilot license. I remember in that night I couldn't sleep because of the strange feeling of lifting. Because after 20 years of pursuing my passion, that day I officially became a hot air balloon pilot like I dreamed of. I sat at the SKY AMAZONS office all night face to face with my European hot air balloon pilot license (EASA ) and asked him, "Why did you let me pursue you for so long, why are you so difficult for me?" But in the end, you are mine."

After so many efforts, so many hardships, so many obstacles, so many hopes and disappointments, I would like to send my sincere Thank you to my parents, to my wife, to my mother's brother, to my mother's younger brother, to INGA and my Latvian family, to MR MR Rapee Kornkoseeyakaj, to MR Tao Nithis Thongdee, to those who always support me, as well as those who stop me, those who despise the path I have chosen, thank you most sincerely.

And now, I have become a hot air balloon pilot and am working in Laos.

READ Pham Quoc Chien STORY here

"It was exciting to learn about ballooning from experienced mentors who share real life experience. Furthermore, if you are motivated enough anything is possible, because lessons happened via video call. The ballooning world is already pretty small and that can also be felt in this organisation, alot of mutual care and respect that is founded on a shared passion"!

"For pilot holding FAA certification and doing licence conversion in Latvia it is super convenient and efficient to do this process with Sky Amazons DTO. Because of knowledge intricacies between system in Latvia and good resources for connecting FE to do skill flight test. Doing this process in Latvia is also very efficient because the country is not bureaucratic and if you need to communicate with CAA directly, you can call, you can speak directly with agents with representatives. They do pick up the phone, they will speak with you, they all speak English perfectly, and it`s not like dealing with FAA in USA and to call then and wait for 30 min to talk with somebody and wait and not sure with who you are talking they live thousands km away. In Latvia, if you want to sit down and speak with somebody, the CAA is at the airport and their doors are always open for pilots. And this way of communication makes all process more human and more efficient and more enjoyable!''

It was a great chance of getting Balloon Pilot License and make a step into aviation! - Very knowledgeable instructors who are always happy to answer all your questions. - Providing information in very easy and understandable way even in very hard topics - Personal care of school administration (Inga), who helps to organize everything in the best way. All this made me become a pilot and I believe that you can also do it! Remember, even the sky is not a limit!

About Sky Amazons DTO

Sky Amazons Declared Training Organisation (DTO) is an officially declared training organization according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 with Reference No LVA.DTO.04 and the Competent Authority respect to its activities is State Agency “Civil Aviation Agency” Republic of Latvia.

Sky Amazons DTO offers a comprehensive theoretical training course and EXAMINATIONS for the EASA Balloon Pilot License.

Join us and start your journey today.